

みなさん、ゴールデンウィークはどんな風にお過ごしでしたか? Ez Commの講師やスタッフたちも、思い思いのゴールデンウィークを過ごしリフレッシュ!今日から元気に仕事をしています。

さて、今度の日曜日は何の日だかわかりますか? そう、母の日です! そこで、今回も世界の母の日、そしてトレバーがカナダにいたころの母の日に過ごし方について、英語で書いてもらいました。この「英語を使おう!」コーナーの英語によるブログも、今回で5回目。ゆっくり、何度か繰り返して読めば、内容を理解できると思います。今回もがんばってチャンレジしてくださいね!

Mother’s Day Is Coming!!!

世界の母の日Mother’s day is a time for people to honor and appreciate their mothers. It is celebrated at different times in countries all over the world. Some people believe that Mother’s day started in Greece, where a large festival was held for Cybele, a great mother of Greek Gods. The Romans also celebrated their mothers. Later in England in the 16th century, servants who worked away from their homes, such as maids, were able to leave their master’s house and go to their mother’s church once a year. This is called Mothering Sunday. In America, this event was started in 1908.

There are two main dates for Mother’s day in Western Countries. In the UK and Ireland, this day is celebrated three weeks before Easter. It was on March 2nd this year. In America, Canada, Australia, and many other countries, Mother’s day is on the second Sunday in May, or May 11th this year.

There are many Mother’s day traditions. Most children send their mother a card, send flowers, or simply call their moms. In my house, we always made my mother breakfast in bed on Sunday Morning and gave her handmade cards. We would also go out for lunch or dinner.

Although Mother’s day has become quite commercialized, the most important thing is to show your love and appreciation to your mom for all the time and energy she has given you! She did her best and will always be your biggest fan!

キッズ イングリッシュ デイ
イージィコム ホームステイクラスルーム結果
ホームステイ クラスルーム
Christmas Songs
 きっずフェスティバル開催 (2019-09-10 10:28)
 カナダ旅行 (2016-09-30 13:17)
 キッズ イングリッシュ デイ (2015-02-26 11:32)
 イージィコム ホームステイクラスルーム結果 (2013-09-19 11:33)
 ホームステイ クラスルーム (2013-06-13 10:33)
 Christmas Songs (2009-11-25 16:30)
